ACGME Councils
The ACGME has three advisory councils. These Councils include the Council of Review Committee Chairs (CRCC), the Council of Review Committee Residents (CRCR), and the Council of Public Members. The Councils recommend to the ACGME Board of Directors on matters pertaining to graduate medical education, accreditation, and recognition. Each Council meets at least twice a year.
Council of Review Committee Chairs (CRCC)
The CRCC is comprised of the Chairs of each of the ACGME’s Review and Recognition Committees. The CRCC recommends to the administration and the ACGME Board approaches to improve educational outcomes within and across clinical specialties, policies and procedures that guide accreditation and other matters as charged by the ACGME administration or the ACGME Board.
ACGME Resident Council (Council of Review Committee Residents - CRCR)
The CRCR includes the current resident/fellow representatives of the ACGME Board, the Review and Recognition Committees, and a public member appointed by the ACGME Board. The CRCR advises the ACGME Board about graduate medical education, accreditation, and resident/fellow issues.
Council of Public Members
The Council of Public Members is comprised of the public members sitting on each of the Review and Recognition Committees, the Public Directors of the ACGME Board, and at least one at-large member.