Additional Resources
The ACGME provides a robust collection of resources to help program directors and institutional and program coordinators do their jobs, and gain context and depth of knowledge about GME.
The ACGME Blog features and highlights events, news, interviews, and more.
Annual Educational Conference
With almost 4,000 participants, the ACGME Annual Educational Conference is one of the largest graduate medical education (GME) conferences in the world. The conference offers dozens of sessions specifically designed for GME program coordinators and program directors, including an annual pre-conference Coordinator Forum and other pre-conferences for program directors the day before the full conference.
Applying for Accreditation
The ACGME accredits both programs and the institutions that sponsor them. The Sponsoring Institutions must be accredited before a program or programs can apply for accreditation. For details on how to apply for accreditation as a Sponsoring Institution, visit the Institutional Application Process page. For information on applying for accreditation as a program, visit the Program Application Information page.
Avoiding Common Errors in the ADS Annual Update
Programs with a status of Continued Accreditation are required to prepare and submit data to the ACGME annually as part of the accreditation process. These three videos were designed to help program directors and coordinators perform that task. They include best practices for responding to citations and other tasks required as part of the Annual Update. Each video is accompanied by a handout detailing examples of effective and ineffective submissions.
Completing an Application for ACGME Accreditation
This video, which is housed in the ACGME's online learning portal Learn at ACGME, offers helpful information on how to apply for ACGME accreditation for a specialty or subspecialty program. The video explains the role of the Common and specialty-specific Program Requirements, reviews the three main components of the application, and outlines the general expectations Review Committees have for accredited programs.
Contact Us
This page includes addition to key contact information to various departments at the ACGME, as well as information how to sign up for the ACGME’s weekly e-Communication, which provides important accreditation and recognition information, as well as other ACGME-related news to the GME community.
Coordinator Advisory Group
The Coordinator Advisory Group serves as a consultative body to the ACGME administration concerning coordinator, graduate medical education, learning environment, and accreditation matters. The most recent cohort is serving from 2019-2022.
Coordinator Timelines
Developed by the Coordinator Advisory Group, these customizable timelines summarize the types of tasks, events, and deadlines coordinators manage in a typical academic year, and aim to help new and veteran coordinators alike organize and prioritize their daily, weekly, and monthly projects.
The Advisory Group thanks the many coordinators who have contributed decades of collective knowledge and experience that aided in the creation of these materials.
Data Systems Technical Support
Find contacts for issues with the ACGME’s Accreditation Data System (ADS). Support contacts are listed by type of information (surveys, ACGME Case Log System, etc.) and by specialty.
Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME)
JGME is a peer-reviewed, editorially independent journal published six times a year by the ACGME. Journal access is provided free of charge to DIOs and program directors of accredited institutions and programs. Open access to curated content of specific relevance to coordinators and residents and fellows is also available.
Learn at ACGME
The ACGME’s online learning portal offers on-demand courses, videos, webcasts, and podcasts for a range of GME professionals.
Meetings and Educational Activities
The Meetings and Educational Activities section includes information about the ACGME’s Annual Educational Conference; other educational activities, such as the popular Basics of Accreditation for New Coordinators workshops, as well as other courses, seminars, webinars, and more; and calendars of various meetings.
Milestones Resources
Many resources are available to help programs assess residents and fellows using The Milestones, including:
- The Clinical Competency Committee Guidebook: The Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) is made up of three or more members of a program's active teaching faculty who advise the program director and review the progress of all residents or fellows in the program. This guidebook provides designated institutional officials (DIOs), program directors, faculty members, CCC members, coordinators, and residents and fellows with information and practical advice regarding the structure, implementation, function, and utility of a well-functioning CCC.
- The Milestones Guidebook: The guidebook will provide some practical suggestions for the effective use of Milestones to help programs not only improve but also transform their assessment practices, curriculum, and overall residency and fellowship programs.
- Milestones Implementation Guidebook: The guidebook “Implementing and Changing Assessment in the Milestones Era” includes key topics to assist with Milestones implementation such as application of change management to Milestones and Assessment, what to expect post-implementation, and examples of action process models.
The Newsroom houses the organization’s news releases, press coverage, and important announcements. Sort content by topic for easy access.
Policies and Related Materials
The ACGME’s Manual of Policies and Procedures, Bylaws, Glossary, and a fee calendar are all in this section.
Publications and Resources
The ACGME produces a variety of publications and resources throughout the year. Find links to the JGME website, books, reports, papers, and other tools here.
Report an Issue
The ACGME has two different offices to address reports of issues or allegations of non-compliance with ACGME requirements: the Office of the Ombudsperson and the Office of Complaints.
Verification of Graduate Medical Education Training Form
The National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS), the American Hospital Association (AHA), the Organization of Program Director Associations (OPDA), the ACGME, and others created the VGMET form to standardize the training verification process and alleviate the burden placed on hospitals, medical services professionals, program directors, and program coordinators. This link goes to the NAMSS website, where the current version of the form is available. The VGMET Form is not intended to meet the requirements for licensure and should not be used as a final resident/fellow evaluation.