Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys
(for residents, fellows, and faculty members only)
Note: Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys are administered during a single window for all programs.
The ACGME’s Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys are used to monitor graduate medical clinical education and provide early warning of potential non-compliance with ACGME accreditation requirements. All accredited programs (regardless of size) are required to participate in these surveys each academic year between the months of January and April.
The required completion rate for both the Resident/Fellow and Faculty Survey is 70 percent. Programs failing to meet this threshold will not receive reports. When programs meet the required completion rate, and there are four or more people scheduled to participate in a survey, aggregated and anonymized survey data reports will be available. These reports provide a broad look at how programs compare to national, institutional, and specialty or subspecialty averages. Programs that meet the required completion rate but have fewer than four people scheduled to participate may receive aggregated reports in the future, using multiple years of program survey data.
Programs that do not reach the 70 percent response threshold will be flagged as non-compliant in regards to their completion rate. These programs are highlighted as such for the Review Committees, which may take further action.
Samples of these surveys are not available. Survey questions are only available to residents/fellows and faculty members while responding to the survey. The ACGME will continue to focus on general content areas (Clinical Experience and Education, Faculty Supervision and Teaching, Evaluation, Educational Content, Resources, Patient Safety and Teamwork, Professionalism, and Diversity and Inclusion) rather than individual survey questions.
Further information about these surveys can be found below.
Resident/Fellow Survey:
- Accessing the Resident/Fellow Survey (residents/fellows only)
- FAQs for Programs (Resident/Fellow Survey)
- Question Content Areas (Resident/Fellow Survey)
- Resident/Fellow Survey-Common Program Requirement Crosswalk (2022)
- Resident/Fellow Survey-Common Program Requirements Crosswalk (7-1-2023)
Faculty Survey:
- Accessing the Faculty Survey (faculty members only)
- FAQs for Programs (Faculty Survey)
- Question Content Areas (Faculty Survey)
- Faculty Survey-Common Program Requirement Crosswalk (2022)
- Faculty Survey-Common Program Requirements Crosswalk (7-1-2023)
Questions about these surveys or navigating the Accreditation Data System (ADS) should be sent to ADS@acgme.org. Residents/fellows and faculty members who are seeking login information for their survey can click here to Receive a Survey Reminder, and should use their email address and the program’s 10-digit ACGME program code to request this information.