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The 2023 awards application cycle is now closed. The 2024 Awards cycle will open in January 2023, with announcement in the ACGME’s weekly e-Communication and on its social media channels, and materials posted on the website. Read the Newsroom Article Announcing the 2023 Awardees. Contact ACGMEAwards@acgme.org.

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John C. Gienapp Award

This award recognizes an individual that is dedicated to graduate medical education and has made outstanding contributions to the enhancement of residency education and ACGME accreditation activities.

Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award

This award recognizes ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions and programs and specialty organizations working to diversify the underrepresented physician workforce and create inclusive workplaces that foster humane, civil, and equitable environments.

David C. Leach Award

This award recognizes residents and fellows who have fostered innovation and improvement in their residency programs, advanced humanism in medicine, and increased efficiency and emphasis on educational outcomes.

Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Award

This award recognizes program coordinators who have an in-depth understanding of the accreditation process, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and projects to improve residency programs. Effective March 2019, the GME Program Coordinator Excellence Award is now the Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Award.

GME Institutional Coordinator Excellence Award

This award recognizes an institutional coordinator that demonstrates in-depth knowledge of graduate medical education and the process for institutional review. This person skillfully manages the multiple roles of administrator, counselor, enforcer, coordinator, organizer, and scheduler.

Lewis Blackman Patient Safety Award

This award, which will be given for the first time in 2024, recognizes residents and fellows who have worked to implement strategies to improve the understanding of and show demonstrable improvement in patient safety in their Sponsoring Institution or residency/fellowship program.

Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Award

This award recognizes designated institutional officials who have demonstrated strong leadership and astute resource management and have encouraged innovation and improvement in residency programs and their Sponsoring Institutions.

Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award

This award recognizes program directors who have fostered innovation and improvement in their residency programs and served as exemplary role models for residents.

Thomas J. Nasca Professionalism Award

This prestigious award celebrates Dr. Nasca's leadership and enduring contributions to promoting professionalism in graduate medical education. It recognizes organizations that exemplify ethical practice, integrity, and a commitment to patient-centered care, values that Dr. Nasca championed throughout his distinguished career.