Annual Educational Conference

10 Things to Know Before You Go to #ACGME2019

If you’re joining us in Orlando next week, here’s a quick list of tips and information to know before you arrive! See you soon!

March 2019

Osteopathic Sessions at the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference

The 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference offers multiple sessions focused on osteopathic medicine and accreditation and numerous opportunities for attendees from all corners of graduate medical education to learn and connect.

February 2019

Get the Most out of the Conference with the ACGME Conference Mobile App

The ACGME’s Conference Mobile App is the best way to stay organized, stay connected, and stay in the know for the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference. 
February 2019

ACGME and ACGME-I Awards Recognize the Best of GME

In addition to the educational sessions, exhibits, posters, and meet-ups, the ACGME Annual Educational Conference provides a wonderful opportunity for the GME community at large to publicly recognize and celebrate the recipients of the year’s ACGME and ACGME International Award honorees.
February 2019

The CLER Program: Here's What's Happening in 2019

As 2019 revs up, we thought it was a good time to look ahead at what the CLER Program has lined up for the coming year.

February 2019

Transforming the Clinical Learning Environment: The ACGME’s Commitment to Collaborative Action

As part of its ongoing efforts to improve all facets of graduate medical education (GME), the ACGME plays a central role in two efforts with far-reaching importance to clinicians, health care organizations, and patients. Pursuing Excellence and NCICLE made substantial progress in 2018, and are poised to continue to contribute to health care excellence in 2019.
February 2019

Conference Speaker Spotlight: Who is Leana Wen, MD, MSc, FAAEM?

In her recent role as Baltimore City Health Commissioner that Dr. Leana Wen made history by signing a standing order to address the opioid crisis in Baltimore. We are honored to have Dr. Wen presenting at the 2019 Annual Educational Conference and look forward to her session, Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: The Responsibility of Physicians.
January 2019

Wellness at the 2019 Conference

Conference days are invigorating, but they can also be long and taxing, so be sure to maintain your personal well-being at the Annual Educational Conference by taking a mental break, stretching, exercising, and enjoying the outdoors.
January 2019
Walkers on a path in a forest having a conversation. Walkers on a path in a forest having a conversation.

A Very Special Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address

The 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference offers so many great educational opportunities that it can be hard to know which sessions to choose. One “must-attend” plenary session focuses on the critically important topic of physician well-being.

January 2019
Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP, President and Chief Executive Officer, ACGME

The ACGME Annual Educational Conference--What's it all About?

If you’ve never before been, you might wonder what you can learn at the ACGME Annual Educational Conference. What’s this conference about, really? The answer is: more than you might think.
December 2018