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Quality Improvement

ACGME Releases Pursuing Excellence Pathway Leaders Patient Safety Collaborative Report

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) recently released its summary report of the Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments (Pursuing Excellence) Pathway Leaders Patient Safety Collaborative.

November 2020

ACGME Releases Version 2.0 of CLER Pathways to Excellence

The Version 2.0 of CLER Pathways to Excellence: Expectations for an Optimal Clinical Learning Environment to Achieve Safe and High-Quality Patient Care, has been published.

December 2019

ACGME Chooses New Pathway Leaders for Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments Initiative

Today the ACGME announced the selection of 10 institutions that will form the second cohort of a national learning collaborative focused on engaging residents and fellows in patient safety.
September 2019

The ACGME Releases CLER National Report of Findings 2019

The CLER National Report of Findings 2019: Initial Visits to Sponsoring Institutions With 2 or Fewer Core Residency Programs was released today.
August 2019

Session Summary: Big Data Presents a Big Opportunity for GME Programs

During their presentation “Using Public Data to Follow Graduates into Practice,” at the 2019 Annual Educational Conference, Marc M. Triola, MD and Patrick M. Cocks, MD, from the NYU School of Medicine have leveraged large databases of publicly available information to help understand the patterns of health care practice and outcomes among graduates from programs once they have left the programs.

April 2019
Drs. Patrick Cocks and Marc Triola presenting at the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference

Session Summary: Successful Practices for Engaging Residents and Fellows in Patient Safety

A panel of institutional representatives and ACGME leaders discussed the successes and challenges of actively involving residents in patient safety improvement as part of the ACGME’s Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments (Pursuing Excellence) initiative. The panel convened at a sunset session at the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

April 2019

Session Summary: NIDDK Initiatives to Eliminate Health Disparities and Train a Diverse Workforce

Griffin P. Rodgers, MD, MBA, MMSc, MACP, the director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), presented NIDDK Initiatives to Eliminate Health Disparities and Train a Diverse Workforce as one of the Annual Educational Conference’s three featured sessions on Friday, March 8.

March 2019
Griffin Rodgers, MD, MBA, MMSc, MACP

The CLER Program: Here's What's Happening in 2019

As 2019 revs up, we thought it was a good time to look ahead at what the CLER Program has lined up for the coming year.

February 2019