
Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Susan E. Kirk, MD

2023 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Awardee Dr. Susan Kirk is the designated institutional official and associate dean for graduate medical education at the University of Virginia.

January 2023

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with David Ray Velez, MD

2023 David C. Leach Awardee Dr. David Ray Velez is a PGY-5 resident in surgery at the University of North Dakota.

January 2023

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Karen J. Brasel, MD, MPH

2023 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee Dr. Karen Brasel is the program director for surgery, vice chair for education, and assistant dean for graduate medical education at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).

January 2023

Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME: Q and A with Melissa Brunsvold, MD of the University of Minnesota Medical School

The next post in the Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME series looks at the University of Minnesota General Surgery Rural Track.

December 2022

Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME: Q and A with Lori Rodefeld

Another interview in a series featuring Sponsoring Institutions and programs providing rural graduate medical education (GME) experiences.

October 2022

Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME: Q and A with Virginia Mohl, MD of Billings Clinic (Montana)

The first interview in a new blog series featuring Sponsoring Institutions and programs providing rural graduate medical education (GME) experiences.

July 2022

Q and A: Paul Foster Johnson, MFA on the First National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions Meeting

A conversation with ACGME Vice President, Sponsoring Institutions Paul Foster Johnson, MFA about the upcoming National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions Meeting, scheduled for September 7-8, 2022.

July 2022

ACGME Equity Matters Spotlight: Author Dr. Linda Rae Murray

A Q and A with Dr. Linda Rae Murray, an ACGME Equity Matters author presenting The History of Race in Medicine: From Enlightenment to Flexner.

May 2022
Linda Rae Murray, MD, MPGH

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Jessica Koran-Scholl, PhD

Jessica Koran-Scholl, PhD and colleagues presented their work on the impact an obesity bias awareness workshop has on how physicians understand this phenomenon in the Poster Hall at the 2022 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, which was held virtually March 30-April 1, 2022.

April 2022