
My Conference Experience: Q and A with Sultana Mustafa, EdD, EdM, MA
Dr. Sultana Mustafa serves as the evaluation specialist in the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office at New York-Presbyterian Hospital (NYPH). We asked her to share her experience at the 2023 Annual Educational Conference held in Nashville at the end of February.

Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME: Q and A with Rhonda Edison, DO and Ms. Trinity Turner of Community Health of Central Washington
The next post in the Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME series looks at the Central Washington family medicine residency program's rural participating site located in Ellensburg, Washington.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Emily M. Hawes, PharmD
In the poster “Bolstering the Rural Physician Workforce in Underserved Communities: Are Rural Residency Planning and Development Programs Finding the Sweet Spot?” Emily M. Hawes, PharmD and her team used data about existing rural residency programs to identify potential sites for future programs. Dr. Hawes answered our questions on behalf of her team.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Shauna Gibbons, MD
In the poster, “Responding to Racism in the Learning Environment,” Shauna Gibbons, MD, explores how providing tools to educators can affect how racism is addressed in the learning environment. Dr. Gibbons answerd our questions on behalf of her team.

Behind the Poster: Q and A with Kelly Maas, MHPE, C-TAGME
In the poster “Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Creating a Culture of Coordinator Collaboration and Mentorship through the Formation of a Subspecialty Organization,” a team of coordinators evaluated the impact of creating a fellowship-specific coordinator organization. Kelly Maas answered our questions on behalf of her team.

My Conference Experience: Behind the Scenes with Justin Dreyfuss, MS
Justin Dreyfuss is the Media Communications Manager at the ACGME. At the Annual Educational Conference, he helps cover sessions for the ACGME Blog, live tweets, takes photos during times that the conference’s professional photographer is covering other sessions, sets up interviews and coordinates with the videographer, and gathers the pulse of the conference. We asked him to share his experience.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Jessica Hans, MEd
Jessica Hans, MEd answered the ACGME’s questions on behalf of the team behind the poster, “Balance, Resident Wellness,” presented at the 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Bonnie Olsen, PhD
Dr. Bonnie Olsen answered the ACGME’s questions on behalf of the team behind the poster, “Elder Abuse Education in Medical Residency: Evaluating the Efficacy of Elder Abuse Curriculum for Residents and Geriatric Fellows,” presented at the 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

My Conference Experience: Behind the Scenes with DeLonda Y. Dowling, BA
DeLonda Y. Dowling serves as Executive Assistant to ACGME Chief of Staff and Chief Education Officer Timothy P. Brigham, MDiv, MS, PhD and also as Awards Liaison, managing the ACGME’s Awards Program. Ms. Dowling also presented at the 2023 Annual Educational Conference Coordinator Forum Full-Day Course. We asked her to share her conference experience.