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Journal Notes

Journal Notes: JGME’s Clinician Educator Career Development Rip Out Series Shows How to Be Happy and Effective in Your Role

JGME's Clinician Educator Career Development Rip Out Series is available in installments under "Rip Out Collections" on the journal’s website.

October 2023

Journal Notes: The Dobbs Decision, One Year Later: A Special Article Collection in JGME

The June 2023 issue of the Journal of Graduate Medical Education includes six articles addressing the effects of the Dobbs decision and other legislation restricting the practice of evidence-based care, as well as one article on how the level of care in different areas of the country can influence where a resident chooses to practice.

July 2023

Journal Notes: JGME Call for Papers on Climate and Graduate Medical Education

To enhance access to climate-related resources for GME, the editors of JGME have issued a Call for Papers on Climate and GME to be collected in a supplemental issue to be published in late 2024.

June 2023

#ACGME2023 Session Summaries: Two JGME Workshops Help Authors Write Compelling Narratives and Communicate through Visual Media

The Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) offered two lively, interactive workshops at the 2023 Annual Educational Conference, designed to help authors write a compelling story of their research, and then to create powerful visual media to distill and convey their message online and in the classroom.

March 2023

After Three Years of Change, the Journal of Graduate Medical Education Returns in Person to #ACGME2023

JGME looks forward to returning in person to the ACGME Annual Educational Conference in Nashville, offering two educational sessions and a presence in the ACGME Hub.

February 2023

Journal Notes: A Talk with International JGME Associate Editor Halah Ibrahim, MD, MEHP

The next in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education’s (JGME’s) Journal Notes series features a conversation with Dr. Halah Ibrahim, a JGME associate editor from Khalifa University College of Medicine in Abu Dhabi.

January 2023

Journal Notes: A Recap of JGME’s Experience at the AAMC

The Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) is thrilled to have a presence in-person once again at national and international conferences.

December 2022
JGME editors and staff at the AAMC meeting in November 2022

Journal Notes: A Place for the ACGME in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education

Unlike the peer-reviewed content in the rest of the journal, articles in the ACGME News and Views section of JGME are dedicated to reports and updates from and about the work of the ACGME.

September 2022

Journal Notes: JGME's 2022 New Ideas

The June 2022 issue of JGME includes the annual New Ideas feature, with short articles on GME innovations that have been implemented at least once, appear to be successful, and can be adopted by others.

July 2022

Journal Notes: Visual Abstracts at JGME

This year, the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) is encouraging authors to create visual abstracts for accepted articles and providing resources to help.

June 2022